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Text File  |  2002-08-13  |  3.6 KB  |  241 lines

  1. VisualBasic script
  2.     Date and time
  3.         CDate()
  4.         DateDateAdd()
  5.         DateDiff()
  6.         DatePart()
  7.         DateSerial()
  8.         DateValue()
  9.         Day()
  10.         FormatDateTime()
  11.         Hour()
  12.         IsDate()
  13.         Minute()
  14.         Month()
  15.         NowSecond()
  16.         TimeTimeSerial()
  17.         TimeValue()
  18.         Weekday()
  19.         WeekdayName()
  20.         Year() 
  21.     Document
  22.         document.alinkColor
  23.         document.anchors[]
  24.         document.bgColor
  25.         document.clear()
  26.         document.close()
  27.         document.cookie
  28.         document.embeds
  29.         document.fgColor
  30.         document.forms[]
  31.         document.lastModified
  32.         document.linkColor
  33.         document.links[]
  34.         document.location
  35.         document.open()
  36.         document.referrer
  37.         document.title
  38.         document.vlinkColor
  39.         document.write("")
  40.         document.writeln("")
  41.     Events
  42.         onAfterUpdate=""
  43.         onBeforeUnload=""
  44.         onBeforeUpdate=""
  45.         onBlur=""
  46.         onClick=""
  47.         onDataAvailable=""
  48.         onDataSetChanged=""
  49.         onDataSetComplete=""
  50.         onDblClick=""
  51.         onDragStart=""
  52.         onError=""
  53.         onErrorUpdate=""
  54.         onFilterChange=""
  55.         onFocus=""
  56.         onHelp=""
  57.         onHelp=""
  58.         onKeyDown=""
  59.         onKeyPress=""
  60.         onKeyUp=""
  61.         onLoad=""
  62.         onMouseDown=""
  63.         onMouseMove=""
  64.         onMouseOut=""
  65.         onMouseOver=""
  66.         onMouseUp=""
  67.         onReadyStateChange=""
  68.         onReset=""
  69.         onResize=""
  70.         onRowEnter=""
  71.         onRowExit=""
  72.         onScroll=""
  73.         onSelectStart=""
  74.         onSubmit=""
  75.         onUnLoad=""
  76.     Forms
  77.         document.form.action
  78.         document.form.elements[]
  79.         document.form.encoding
  80.         document.form.length
  81.         document.form.method
  82.         document.form.reset()
  83.         document.form.submit()
  84.     Window
  85.         window.alert("")
  86.         window.blur()
  87.         window.clearTimeout()
  88.         window.close()
  89.         window.confirm("")
  90.         window.defaultStatuswindow.focus()
  91.         window.frames[]
  92.         window.lengthwindow.namewindow.open("", "")
  93.         window.opener
  94.         window.parent
  95.         window.prompt("", "")
  96.         window.scroll()
  97.         window.setTimeout()
  98.         window.status
  99.         window.top
  100.     History
  101.         history.back()
  102.         history.forward()
  103.         history.go()
  104.     Image
  105.         border
  106.         complete
  107.         heighth
  108.         space
  109.         lowsrc
  110.         name
  111.         prototype
  112.         src
  113.         vspace
  114.         width
  115.     Link
  116.         document.link.hash
  117.         document.link.host
  118.         document.link.hostname
  119.         document.link.href
  120.         document.link.pathname
  121.         document.link.port
  122.         document.link.protocol
  123.         document.link.search
  124.         document.link.target 
  125.     Location
  126.         location.hash
  127.         location.host
  128.         location.hostname
  129.         location.href
  130.         location.pathname
  131.         location.port
  132.         location.protocol
  133.         location.reload()
  134.         location.search
  135.         window.location.replace("")
  136.     Math
  137.         Abs()
  138.         Atn()
  139.         CByte()
  140.         CCur()
  141.         CDate()
  142.         CDbl()
  143.         CInt()
  144.         CLng()
  145.         Cos()
  146.         CSng()
  147.         Exp()
  148.         Fix()
  149.         FormatCurrency()
  150.         FormatNumber()
  151.         FormatPercent()
  152.         Int()
  153.         IsNumeric()
  154.         Rnd()
  155.         Round()
  156.         Sgn()
  157.         Sin()
  158.         Sqr()
  159.         Tan()
  160.     Navigator
  161.         navigator.appCodeName
  162.         navigator.appName
  163.         navigator.appVersion
  164.         navigator.javaEnabled()
  165.         navigator.mimeTypes
  166.         navigator.plugins
  167.         navigator.userAgent
  168.     Plugins
  169.         description
  170.         filename
  171.         length
  172.         name
  173.     Reserved words
  174.         And
  175.         Call
  176.         Const
  177.         Dim
  178.         Empty
  179.         Eqv
  180.         Erase
  181.         Exit
  182.         False
  183.         Function
  184.         Imp
  185.         Is
  186.         Mod
  187.         Not
  188.         Nothing
  189.         Null
  190.         On Error Resume Next
  191.         Option Explicit
  192.         Or
  193.         Private
  194.         Public
  195.         Randomize
  196.         ReDim
  197.         Rem
  198.         Set
  199.         Stop
  200.         Sub
  201.         True
  202.         Xor
  203.     Strings
  204.         Asc()
  205.         AscB()
  206.         AscW()
  207.         Chr()
  208.         ChrB()
  209.         ChrW()
  210.         CStr()
  211.         Filter()
  212.         FormatCurrency()
  213.         FormatDateTime()
  214.         FormatNumber()
  215.         FormatPercent()
  216.         Hex()
  217.         InStr()
  218.         InStrB()
  219.         InStrRev()
  220.         Join()
  221.         LCase()
  222.         Left()
  223.         LeftB()
  224.         Len()
  225.         LenB()
  226.         LTrim()
  227.         Mid()
  228.         MidB()
  229.         Oct()
  230.         Replace()
  231.         Right()
  232.         RightB()
  233.         RTrim()
  234.         Space()
  235.         Split()
  236.         StrComp()
  237.         StrComp()
  238.         String()
  239.         StrReverse()
  240.         Trim()
  241.         UCase()